Thursday, July 9, 2009

Canvasback Spash

Taken this past winter in Cambridge, MD. I sure do miss the Ducks when they are gone. And cannot wait for their arrival this fall.

Hybrid Tea Rose

Photo taken at Longwood Gardens in PA.

My Dream Lens Collection

Maybe one day !!!


The shorebirds were here in full swing this year. Feeding on millions of horseshoe crap eggs all along the eastern shorlines and beaches. Unfortunately i was not able to get out as much as a would have liked. But i did manage a few days out. I did end up with a few printable images.

Ruby Throated Humming Bird

Align CenterSummer is in full swing now, and one of the things i look forward to the most is the return of the humming birds. These tiny fliers are amazing to watch. From the females frantically feeding on nectar flowers. To the males defending flowers and feeders. The colors of these little birds is no less than stunning when the light hits the throat of the males, and allows you to see how they got their name.

Common Yellow Throat

I found this guy in the brushes of Bombay Hook NWR. Getting a printable shot of these little guys proves rather difficult. It took me the better part of a whole morning just to produce less than a handful of worthy images.

Here is come cool facts thanks in part to Google.
Nine species of yellowthroats currently are recognized, most living in Mexico, all with black masks and yellow throats. Even more recognizable forms exist, with 12 subspecies of the Common Yellowthroat described north of Mexico. Just what the boundaries are between species and subspecies in this taxonomic complex remains to be completely worked out.